Page 189 - chs-2005
P. 189
Tigers on the Run ...
Pride on the line
peed i what it i all about when the Tiger take to the track in pur uit of the purple and gold that put the ribbon on the trophy
wall. The Tiger have benefited from th exp rti e of oach Du ty Smith and Head Coach Ja on limp .. Flying down the track
with the wind blowing through their hair and the ound of gravel crunching under their feet, the team member found challenge to
overcome both at home and at away meet . There i a lot of hi tory backing up the Tiger' track team. Ray Bohannon broke the
long tanding record in the pole vault and other Tiger worked hard to et new mark a well. If you ee a bunch offa t running,
high tepping kid printing down th road, a big do ofTIGER pride i cha ing them to the fini h line!
Left: oach hmp leans over Ryan ·· cllon .. Jack on to
help hun ~trctch after a long run. Takmg care of mu cle
cramps can be a fulltime job for coache .
entor Ra; Bohannon demonstrates the proper
wa; to pole vault. He ts hopmg to go to tate thi year.
Ray 1s a standout in this tough spectalt;
Above: ophomore Tanna Hicks does the butterfly
stretch before she begins running. he knows that
stretching your legs is imperative.
Left: Head oach Jason limp has et high standards for