Page 192 - chs-2005
P. 192

The 1  girl'  ba  ketball team  had a great
           ea ·on. They  were a  mall team but had a
          lot ofp  wer. The 'ophomore  led the team
          and they are lo  king fon  ard to next year
          and h  pet  dominate furthur.  There were
           truggle  but the team came together and
          found their rhythm.   lo  ene  developed
          bet\\een all  of the girl  and the coach led
          them  to  orne  ignificant  improvement  .
          The old  aying, "there i  always next year"
          mean  a  lot  to  the  e  girl  as  they  look
          fonvard to the future.

                                               The  JV  girl's  basketball  are:  Brittany  Bryant,  aporia  Church,  Victona  Wilkes,  Michelle  Robins  n,  Coach
                                               Dee  Wat>on,  Dasha  Hubbard,  Tyranza  Rentz,  Tanna  Hicks,  and  T1fTany  Parris.

                                                     bovc:  Freshman  V1ctona  Wilkes  dribble  past  her defender With  no  sweat.
                                                   determination  marked  the  season  for  the  Little  Lady  Tiger  .
           bove:      Michelle  Robmson  gets  In  the
          ready  pos1110n  to  shoot  a  free  throw.  She  wants  to
         get  nothmg  but  net.

                                                                                        Above:  Freshman  apona
                                                                                        up to  make a free  thrO\~  he 1s a definite
                                                                                        I 0  on  any  calc!
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