Page 193 - chs-2005
P. 193

again  t the rim with a winning sea  on

      The  2004-2005  JV  basketball  team :  front:  Javon  Horne,  Cleveland  Hill,  Timothy
      Flemmg,  Wilham  Lucas,  Wilham  Gernzey,  Dean  Ros  m.  Back:  Tay  McGowen,  \\<IIhe
      Collins,  Vince  Folston,  oach  mtthey,  Jakeen  Htll,  Hakeem  Jones.  Cameron  Reynolds.

                                                                bovc:  ophomore Cleveland Hill  ets up  to  take a  hot.  Pa  ing the ball
                                                               and taking your time are both  kill  that Coach  mithey  tre  e  .

              Above:  ophomore Wesley Tunsil get: back on defense. He isn"t
             gomg  to  let  anyone  get  passed  him.

                                                                                           Above:  ophomore  Jakeen  Hill  gch
                                                                                           ready  to  hoot a  free  thrO\\  He  hope.  to
                                                              dribbles  dO\\n  the  court.  His  opposmg
                                                              forward  1s  hot  on  his  trail  but  Ja\on  can   tmpre   hts  opponent  b)  gcttmg  noth-
                                                              take  the  pre:sure          ing  but  net.
         Left:  The  team  huddles  together  at  half  time.  They  are  getting  their  plan
         together  for  the  . ccond  half.

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