Page 234 - chs-2005
P. 234

Member  of the Future  ducator  of America are  tudent  who are
             con idering a career working with children. They are involved in
             community  ervice project  project  uch a  Veteran'  Week, Red
             Ribbon Week, and the B  ta Chri  tma  Party for children.  Gue  t
              peaker  are in  ited to attend and  peak to the group on career  in
             education  . The FEA i  proud to repre  ent tho  e intere  ted in the future
             educationofyoungAm  rican  .

                                                                              Josh  Page,  Brittani  Da\ is,  and   licia  rompkins  place
                                                                              ribbons  at  the  V.   Hospital  for  Veteran's  Week.

              Rov.  I   d\ bOr  Diane  Pcrr., Angela  '1-kdin;,  (  ccretar:r ).  Britant  Da\ ts,  Bnttany  rucker  ( Prcstdcnt),  Gcbriellc  Highland  ( l rca surer).  RO\\ 2:  Jennifer  Hllrman.
              Jcnntler  Robert  Tyli>'a  Coleman,\ tctona  ha\\. Andrea C uatt.  Trca\or \\illiamson  Rm\3:  Kath)  Conrad.  Josh  Page.  Altcta Tompkms  (\'tee  Pn:stdcnt),  \\yncicc
              Da\ t  ,  Enka  Queen,  I anc  ha  I ulton,  Rodns. tea  \\ httc.  Rm\  4  Shcrcy Gifford.  Janice  Jc\\cll,  Shak tra  Jones,  Kcyannza  Jones,  Shauntc Young

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