Page 236 - chs-2005
P. 236

Right: Meli  a Geiger, Danielle Fraz  ,
                    and Kortn  yTomlin on kno  that th
                     tre  of being on the yearbook  taff
                    can be relieved by great friend  .
                    Below  right:  Kori  Drake,  editor  of
                    Sport , know  that  taying after  chool
                    is a  ure way to get the job done.

                   Top:  Che  ter Tan  lo  e  to  come  to
                   Joumali  m,  e  pecially if it  mean  he
                   doe  n't have to do hi  Daily Journal.
                   Middle: Arielle Koon, Kin  ley Geibieg,
                   and Ruben Thoma  look through the
                   new  paper to find the daily vocabulary
                   Bottom: Daryl Peter en  acraficed  orne
                   ofhi  band practice time to help  ave the
                   yearbook and create  tunning graphic
                   with hi  computer talent
                   Right: Ju  tin  orri  i  ready to go home
                   after a long,  tre  ful day of Joumali  m

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