Page 231 - chs-2005
P. 231

Student  Bod)  Pre  tdent  Bmndon  lhll  and  tudcnt  Bcldy  gt.  ,\t Arm  (  amcron  D)al
      ;,pend  Stud.:nt  GO\crnmcnt  Day  \\tlh  lorn  S<t\\)Cr  \\hots  the  Assistant  (  tl)  \lanagcr.

           They never

                                                               g1ve 1n ...

                 e'tdership  tudents  'tay busy throughout the school year working to make the school a more
          c  citing place through student involvement.  Preparing Pep-Rallie  , running Homecoming, and helpin
          n  edy people in the community and at CH  are ju t a few of the many wonderful things that
          Lead  r  hip ..  tudent  take part in.  Thi  year, ""Operation Shoebox: Soldier," a project to help the
            oldier  who are fighting for our freedom in the Middle Ea  t feel remembered during Christmas time.
          ,  a.  a big project which Leadership promoted throughout the  chool and the Community a  well.
          Leadership is an organization that i  committed to making CHS better each and everyday!
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