Page 255 - chs-2005
P. 255
Nature provides photographers with
inspiration and a pallet of colors
A little known fact about CH is that Many tudent u e an inve tigation of
photography i one of the top hobbie photography for their enior project . Enjoy
for many of our tudent . Black and the photo and find time to take a picture!
white photo can be printed at chool
in the Joumali m darkroom and if you
get into digital of color film, the
TER ETand tores like Winn-Dixie
, Wa!Mart and CV provide a place to
print photo . Many tudent have
found out about the many awe orne
effects that can be achieved with
Bottom: This p1cture of a sand crab trying to
Photo hop. orne students till enjoy
dig its way through the sand
the traditional film camera and one of
the e people is hri tina William .
Christina has combined her love of art
with her love of a photo that can
speak to the heart and inspire or
provide simple enjoyment. A .J
collection of her photos i featured in
the yearbook for the enjoyment of the
student body.
Left: A tree standing in the distance fro7cn in
Above: A dusty road in the Bahammas
demonstrates perspective
Left: A winter day \\ith the road filled with
fluffy powder of snO\\.