Page 491 - chs-2005
P. 491

Left.  Coach  Coat>  and  Nb.  Harris  got  the  T1gcr
                                                                          p1nt at the \\'inter Pep Rall:y  and enJOY  listenmg
                                                                         to  the  band  pla:y.

                                                                         BeiO\\: The Wrestling team rclaxe> as they \\atch
                                                                         all of the classes enter the pep rally

                                                                          bo\c:  \1rs  Murphy  cannot  wait  to  ,ee  her
                                                                          tudcnt  perform at  the  pep rail)!

      e·  M•d yons  s1ts  with  her  freind  Mrs.  Brown   Above:  Yar. ity Cheerleaders practice stunting
     JOy  \\atehing  her  students  perform  in  the   before they perform  in  front  of the  whole school.
     P  rally.

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