Page 493 - chs-2005
P. 493

AbO\e:  Jam1e  Kmg  and  Officer  Collins  di  cuss  the
         mfonns  the  girls  \\hat  to  do  before  entering  the  gym   ''here  the  team  is  about  to  perfonn.

                                                                                     Left:  Titina  Gist  thrO\\s  her  hair  back  as
                                                                                      he  shO\\s  her  attitude  in  the  routine.

                                                                                     Left :  Cynthta  Roman  ''  anx1ously
                                                                                     \\altmg  to  start  off the  routine.  It  i  the
                                                                                     first  time  the  tep  Club  e\cr  perfonned
                                                                                     in  front  of the   hool

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