Page 300 - chs-2006
P. 300
Caitfin ~nee Moreau
Can't 6efie1/e tliis :ea..,on of your fije
is a[reacfy here! I'm proucf to 6e your
'Daa ana I'm greatfy anticipating
your 6ecoming a[[ (joe! fias ae..'tinea
you to 6e. Pr~· · toward the mark. of
:His ca[fing ana a[way: remem6er,
9'ou Jtre Loved.
C ongra tufa t iofl.)~
My sweet 6ooger-6ear:
It is liarcf to 6efieve tliat tliis time in your fife is a[rea!J
here. '!fie years liave gone 6y way too fast. On 9-24-87,
you came into the worM ana I was 6fessecf to fiave
another 6eautifu[ cfaugliter. :You were sucli a miscliiez'ous
fittfe girf (anlsti[[ are) ana so juf[ of energy ana curiosity
a6out the worM arouncf you. !J.{y wish for you wa...; to
grow up liappy ana hea[tliy ana even tfiougli fije aeaft
some liarsli 6fows, you survivecf. Caitfin, I am so proua of
the young WOman you MVe 6ecome ana fiopeju{ for a{{ tfr.
great tliings you wi[[ accomp[isli in the future. 'l(now
yourself as a woman of (joa ana a[[ ~pooa tliat comes
frpm tliat. 5lna tfien just /(p.ow yourseif as a woman,
periocf. Continue to tliat (joa is watching over you
ancf k_eep your faitli strong in your heart ana mine! ana
you wi[[ 6e a[{ rig/it. 5t[way · tliat mg fove for you
wi[[ never waiver. 1?gmem6er tliat ?(fvin ana '13iffy fove
you, too. 9'ou are my heart. Love, :Mom