Page 301 - chs-2006
P. 301

Heather :Nichofe


                                            It seems ~just yestenfay you were 6orn.
                                             fJ'"mu lias oone 6y so fast ana now it is so
                                              !ian{ to 6etiew tliat you are aratfuatinfj
                                            ftrnn nign sclioo!  'You liaw just compfetetf
                                             tfie jim journey in your lift ana now it is
                                            time to start a new cliapter.  'We just want
                                            you to ~ liow proruf we are of you ana
                                              of tfie accompfisliments tliat you liaw
                                           mde tfrrouon tfie yean ana of tfie respectful
                                           woman tliat you liaw 6ecome.  Just remem6er,
                                             iJep qo(fint in your lift ana ewrytninfJ
                                            e!re will fa/I into pface.  (]Jest 'Uttsnes, ana
                                                may ali of your tfreams come true.

                                                    'We row you so mucli,
                                                      (])ad4y, !Mama,
                                                     lJ)fer d Jfannafr

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