Page 303 - chs-2006
P. 303
:From the aay tliat you were Gorn, you
liave Geen a Gfessing ana liave Grought
constant joy into our fives. We liave
watcfzea you grow up to Gecome a Geautiful
ana Gright young raay. f}'our accompfisftments
thus far are much more tlian we cou[a liave
ezyectea ana we (now with (joa's fze{ping
Iiana you wiff succeea in wliatever you choose
to ao in [ije. Jls a[ways, we fove you very
much, ana you wi[[ a[ways Ge our uttf.e girL
Love, Mom, Varf, Jlnthony ana (jranapa