Page 84 - chs-2010
P. 84

      Take it to the

        As the week rolls by and   score for the team. As head   nervous but confident. One
      another five days of hard,   coach for CHS, Coach Porter   of Justin's pre-game rituals
      long hours of practice are all   has the aid of Coach Thomas,   is finding a nice quiet place
      geared towards the upcoming   who is a big help to the team.   where he can be alone for
      weekend tournament. This     He teaches the boys about    a few minutes and clear his
      is the basic week during     what moves to take and what   mind, analyzing all that he has
      wrestling season for junior   to do to counter an opponent's  learned, and how to apply it to   Bottom  Picture: Junior Justm  Kennedy
      Justin Kennedy, a three-year   moves.                     the match ahead.             sets up to begm Ius match.
      wrestler. He says, "This sport   Wrestling is fun, but      Once the match has started,
      is very physically demanding   without the necessary grades,   Justin doesn't think of anything,
      and to participate, you must be  you can't wrestle. Justin   and just goes in guns blazing -
      in top physical condition."   understands how to prioritize   not thinking just doing.
        During a day to day        and has also learned new and   In wrestling, you compete in
      practice, it can be good stress   more effective study habits   weight classes, which can be
      relief, although if slackers are   which continue to help him in   challenge sometimes. You have
      present, it can cause tension.   school.                  to work extra hard in order
      Wrestling does not play        Before every match, there is  to get to where you want to
      games, but hosts a tournament  a sense of "pre-game jitters."   be; this can also be a driving
      with matches. Wrestling works  For Justin, this feeling is very   force that pushes and feeds
      off a point system. While    well-known, yet, he still keeps   the competitiveness within the
      individual scores count, they   his poise and concentration   athlete in any sport.
      are combined for the greater   and goes into each match                -Cole Ward (12)

      Top Picture: Senior Ronnie Graham grapples
      with Ius opponent.

      Right Picture: Junior Mlchael Roberts lets Ius
      opponent catch his breath before pinning him to
      the ground.

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