Page 104 - chs-2011
P. 104
True Beauty
Beauty ... "it's in the eye of the beholder;' But does that make A
you beautiful? Technically it does if you're only using your eyes.
What about the things that don't meet the eye? What about the
things money can't buy, or can't be covered up with a simple
dab of make-up? One's perception of beauty varies from person
to person. It comes in all shapes, sizes and colors, but there is
no beauty like that which is found in the depths of the heart.
The most beautiful people we know are those that brighten
our day just by being themselves; the people that can instantly
change your mood with only a smile. True beauty is expressed
in the way we live. Looks fade with time, but inner beauty won't
change. "Don't judge a book by its cover because you might be
missing out on a great story:'
Colby Craig (12) and Tiffany Tucker (12)
Who you are
I believe that nobody should go on a
diet, unless reccomended by their doctor.
It's true everyone could eat healthier and
excercise more to get in shape, but by
telling yourself to go on a diet is almost
like you're subconciously calling yourself
Miss CHS fat when you should love yourself for
who you are.
"All the girls were very supportive; they Rudy Pachas (7 0)
helped me out backstage and offered
constructive advice when I felt I wasn't
doing very well. I was never much of a
pageant girl but they made me feel like
I fit in:'
Christina Shelbo (7 2)
"It was a new experience for me and
something I had never done before. I
recommend it to every girl!"
Sarah Reichert (7 2)
Spread layout by: Pany Lee (1 2) and Chnsuna Shelbo