Page 14 - chs-2011
P. 14

A lot of people think    a few more friends                                    Soccer  Camp
            that summer camps are    while you're at it. It's so
                                                                                           This past summer, seven ladies
            a second home to them.  familiar to you that you
                                                                                           from the soccer team went
            The reason for this is   don't have to ask where
                                                                                           to the USF soccer camp. They
            because usually you're   something is. You                                     stayed in a dorm and during
            around your friends      don't feel awkward or                                 the day they had three 2 hour
            and can be yourself.     uncomfortable in this                                 sessions. When they weren't
            You drop your guard,     place. This is your home                              practicing, they were resting in
            have fun, and make       away from home.                                       their rooms or learning about
                                                                                           college- good times.
                                                                                                  Alexis Angstadt {17)

                           To some, taking a vacation is getting away
                              from homework, lounging on the sofa
                            and watching the latest episode of NCIS.
                            To others, a vacation is an exotic getaway
                             where reality is non-existent. No matter
                            where you decide to go, vacations always
                                become our home away from home.

              During the summer, while most
              teens are going to bed at 6 a.m.,
           band students are up preparing for
              their day. A typical day for band
              students consists of marching in
              120 degree weather, drill downs,
                 and playing the same music
                   repeatedly. When August
              approaches, Band does not slow
                 down. Practice on Mondays,
           Tuesdays, and Thursdays, sectionals
              on Wednesdays, and then Friday
              Night Lights, as well as Saturday
             competitions. Band is something
             more than you could imagine; it's
             our home away from home. With
           Band comes many difficult changes,
            but in the end it's all worth it when
                 you hear the announcer say,
           "Columbia, overall rating: Superior!"

                      Chelsea Fletcher {12)
                      Kalyn Coker (12)

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