Page 238 - chs-2011
P. 238

M1cheal Creech - "I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not sure."
          Chdrndvld Cnswell  The toes you step O'l toddy wi I be the feet that
          step on you tomorrow.
                                           n c nst wro strengtn  ,

                                            lilt  c;hdr~<   t  II you  h  d

          Ashley David- "Hayy gurrlll haaayyyy."
          Melissa Davis - "Life is too short to be anything but happy."
          Francis:> dZ   Never underestlmdte the power of d smdll, dedKdted group of people to chdnge the world; 1
          thmg thdt ever hds.   Marga"=·~ t.An  d
          Britney Dicks - "Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has the film."
          Haley Dicks  "What you are is God's gift to you, what you make of yourself is your gift to God:'
          Roberta Dmguc;  A life IS JUSt another page in a book.'
                                                                                     Ar   Dar  y   ve  1f  to tr  fu I  t
               vu• ... v•••r  M  y th  dr  m  of you  pd  t b  th  r  dlity of you  futu
          Jennifer Duncan  "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.'
          Caitlin Eadie - "Love all, trust few, do wrong to none."- William Shakespeare

         James Earls  "No pdm, no gdme                      Josiel Echevarria - "Beggars can't be choosers so enjoy it while it lasts."
                                                       Jasmine Ellis - 'I m ready! Are you ready? Graduat1on 1s only the beginning:·
                                                                Alicia Everhart  'Whdt love IS  to the hedrt, liberty IS  to the soul.'

         Jdcqu  ly11  ~=edgH"  Fear not wher>, fear not w'1y  fear not r1ucil whilt! wtc re aliv  L 1f  1 for  IV ng  not  IV rog  upttght
         Jo  n F  rn  ndez D  Cdstro  There dr  only two wdys to I ve your  1f  On  s d  til  gh   th 'lg  c;  d m rile   h  oth  r 1 ac; tho.Jgh
             yt  ng 1   ., r  I   A b  rt E:tn  t  m
          Shayna Fisher- "Life is about taking risks and never giving up hope, no matter how lost you are everyone eventually finds the1r own
         Jan non Forsythe - "Stand in the rain, stand your ground, stand up tall when it's all coming down:'
          Devm Frazjer  'Tdke pride, fear none, live your life.'   Devin Fuimaono - "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!"

         D  mariye Gissendanner - "Life brings a world of opportunities, why not take them up, and depend on God!"
         Dan tel Grahdm  "Never forgetting from where I came, and no matter where I'm hedded I prom1se to stdy the sdme:·
              n Hi! II   f you wa1t to do everytt,mg unttl you re sure 1t c;  nght  yo  II p obably n  v  r do much of anyt  mg   Wtn Bo  d  n

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