Page 242 - chs-2011
P. 242
Adam Smith - "The volvo be zoom in"'
Alex1s Stamper All of our drtarP~ can come true 1f we have the courage to
purs • t Prrl Wa t Disney
Stantia Stewart - "Just act cool and nobody will ever know."
Adam Talley - "Semper Fi - This ain't nothing'."
Randolph Taylor 'Even 1f the morrow 1~ barren of prom1ses, nothing
shall forestall my return.''
K p rPovmg f w rd
ma fh f ture 1 g1ft brought oy th p t rd th
Tier a Timmons- "I'm married to God, engaged to life, in a relationship with the world, and smgle to the
people ... Because I'm one of a kind."
Rachel Tinsman - "Follow your dreams." Chnsta Tompkms 'Nobody can go back and start a new begmnmg, but a'lyone can start
over today and make a new end mg.
Jordan Trail- "I LOST THE GAME, but I'm still a winner.''
Tiffany Tucker - 'Bemg happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfec-
Jershayla Tucker 'L1ve everyday like its your last.'' N1ck Tutti And m the end, Its not the year~ m ym.:r life that count It~
the hfe m your years
W lk r N v r g v up alway t Drew Waller- "You only get one shot to make the right choices in life, so don't
follow anyone, be a leader and chase your dreams whatever they may be."
Tanner Warner - "Dream as if you'lllive forever, live as if you'll die today." Kell Washington Its not hard to make dec1s1ons when
you know what youre values are.'
James White- "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Elizabeth Williams - "If you think imma quit before I die; dream on." Bobby Williams- "Living and dymg with the cho1ces I made.''
D 1rae W luams Th r maybe a lot of cop1es but there IS only one ong nal you
Sh byW l1ams We make a hvmg by what we get we rPake a I fe by what we q1ve.
Karenna "Simone" Williamson -"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
Monica Williamson - "You don't have to be the best in order to for success.'' Kevm Allen W1tt "Wut s up, Wut s up.''
Leslie Wood- "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some
humor, and some style.''