Page 240 - chs-2011
P. 240

Manssa  Mangrum-"The good times of today are the sad thoughts of
        tomorrow."  Bob Marley
        Natalie Martmez  Know who you are and be true to yourself no matter
        what  My mofYl
        K  tl">  r I"  Mat'11   v  ryth'lg  s po  10  for rl'll w  u b  II  v   Wo  n< 9 23

              My                  u  t d g  t
        Briya McGuire  "To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail:'
        -Michael Jordan

        Shalliea  McNabb -"Yes, I can, yes I will. What I imagine, I'll make it

        Kelsey Mercer  "Don't cry because 1t's over, smile because •t happened.  Dr  Suess

       Taylor Messer- "We should all start to live before we get
        too old.  Fear is stupid.  So are regrets:· -Marilyn Monroe

        Alexa Mitchell-" ... :·   Kyru Morns  "Never let a hater determme your future. Use d1scourageme'1t as encouragement to accomplish all
                                                                                   you want and need throughout your life:·
        Jordan Moms  What we do m I fe  echoes m   Bec.c.a Mos  y  If yo .. H  I f  r  shes befor  yo..Jr  y  s m  k  ur  1t s wo•th watch1ng
        t  r'11ty.  Glad ator
        Hannah  Nash- "Look at life through the windshield, not the rearview mirror."

        Chelsea  Nettles- "L1fe's not about the number of breaths you take, but the   Korey Nicholson- "Life is too short to just give up:'
        number of fYloments that take your breath away:·

        Kristen Norris- "Every story has an end, but in life every end is a new begin-  Jarred Ogburn  "Here for a good t1me, not for a long
        ning:•                                                                                                 t1me"
        Br  ndl Ottmge  Dol" t ga  I" the world and lose your soul   Shayna Ov  rstreet  ' rhe doors we open and close each day dec de the
        W1sdom IS better than sliver & gold.                                                              lives we I ve.
        Dakota Owens- "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the   Taylor Owens  "L1ve for tomorrow, laugh for a wh1le, love
        journey that matters in the end:'                                                                 for etern1ty.

        Kristen Pace- "Rule# 76: No excuses,
        play like a champion:·
                                                        Vanessa  Paul- "I am more than you bargained for and nothmg less than real:'

        Cl">ns Paxton  PART Why! Cuzl gotta                                                Ben Perry- "I stay fly ... Do you?"
        Kaye ana A  Perry  In order to suc.ceed, your des1re for success should be greater   Seth Peterson  NA1m for the highest"  Andrew
        th   your fear of fa1lur  :                                                                          Carneg1e

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