Page 308 - chs-2012
P. 308
The Columbian, Volume 65, 2012 Edition was created by students of Columbia High
School in Lake City, Florida and was printed by SWI Publishing in Gainesville, Flond
in conJunction with Walters Pnnting Company In North Mankato, Minnesota.
The press run is 400 copies. This nine inch by twelve Inch trim size smythe sewn
book contains 304 pages of 100 pound gloss paper.
Cover and En Sheets
The cover is a custom -designed artistic masterpiece fashioned with love and based
on input from all staff. It incorporates a die-cut and permanent photo sleeve along
with a spot UV coating that spells out a hidden special message. Adjectives were
sourced from Journalism classes.
P otogra hy, Typography, Sof ware
Pages were designed using Adobe InDesign CSS and Adobe Photoshop CSS. Photo
editing was done with Photoshop, and graphical elements were created using Adobe
Illustrator CSS. Annoying memos and other unnecessary administrative work was
done with Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Excel.
Typographical headings use ChunkFive Roman in 60pt font. Subheadings were
done in Museo Slab 500, 30pt. Copy and captions use Museo Slab 500 Italic, 10pt
Any other fonts weren't supposed to be in here, so if you find them, you're better
than our proofreaders.
Photography was sourced from the yearbook staft SWI Photography, the Lake City
Reporter, students, parents, and CIA spy satellites. Special thanks go out to our
Gainesville photo enthusiast, J.P. Bullivant. Bullivant shot several of our Varsity
Games (Boys Basketball, Ladies Tennis, Boys Baseball & Ladies Soccer), helping us
understand why F!stop and aperture really do matter when taking night time and
indoors action shots (It's ok to ''just say no" to the little green auto button sometimes)l
SWI Publishing, 3710-B NW 51st Street, Gainesville, FL 32606.
Representatives and Customer Service was provided by Amanda Shores and Jeff
Wilkinson. Special Thanks to Cora Haugen for double checking our pages at the
Walters plant!
The 2012 Columbzan has been the Offlczal Yearbook of Columbza Hzgh School sznce 1947 Any
opznzon expressed zn quotes and/or edztonals does not represent the opzmons of the School or zts
Admznzstratzon Copynght 2012, all nghts reserved
and four