Page 312 - chs-2012
P. 312

Uprismgs, dubbed "the Arab Spring,"  spread throughout
       the Arab world  in  2011 : there were revolutions in
       Tunisia and  Egypt; civil war in  Libya; civil  uprisings in   Workers searched in collapsed buildings after a heavy
       Bahrain, Syria and  Yemen; major protests in  Algeria ,   earthquake near Ercis, Turkey, October 25, 2011 . A total
       Iraq, Jordan, Morocco and  Oman ; and  minor protests in   of 970 buildings collapsed as a result of the 7.2-magnitude
       Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and    quake and aftershocks.
       Western Sahara.

                                                                Libyans celebrated in  the streets after reports of
                                                                Muammar Gaddafi's death at the hands of anti-Gadhafi
                                                                forces on  October 20, 2011.

                                                                In  November of 2011 , Thailand experienced the worst
                                                                flooding  in  50 years. Over a million  people were
                                                                estimated to  have fled  the  rising water in  Bangkok.
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