Page 242 - 2013 Columbian
P. 242
First Row (left to right): Ms Guzman (Sponsor). Chase Broome, Kathenne Rockafellow, Brittany Mil1to.
Mano Chavez, Ms. Hunt (Sponsor). Second Row: Hayli Zuccola, Carter Jackson, Ak1ra Gw1nn, Nicole Dedos.
Rebecca Kam, Ms. Buzzella (Sponsor).
TV Production IS involved with the
TV Produ~tJons ews etwork. They deliver our daily
production ol the Columbia Tiger
news every morning along with the
weather. and school announcement .
First Row (left to right): Brandon Casagrand. Matt orton, M1keal Hearne, Ricky Mobley. Second Row: Mr. Cherry (Sponsor), Heather Sm1th, Dakota Davis.