Page 243 - 2013 Columbian
P. 243
First Row (left to right): Brayden Thoma . Eli Parnsh. Tayvion Steward. Bennie Harper. Aleena Fields. Mr. Nordmeyer (Sponsor). Second Row: Timothy Jewett. Tejas Jivan.
Luke Minshew. Braeden Lehman (President). Cody Sm1th. Alex Robert . Ja m1ne Horton.
First Row (left to right): Carlos D1az. Un1que Doughty. Adrian Farmer, Nick Jones, Shonglee Ho. M1kala Edenfield (Pre ident)
Second Row: Zachary Peter on, R1cardo Dandy, Cale1gh McCauley, Kayli Kvistad. Hollianne Dohrn, Kalie Baker Third Row:
Kyle O'qUJn. Joshua Thomas, Bnttney Morgan. Kaleb Ross1gnol, ikole Bryant, Kyle Gner Not Pictured: Caitlyn Witt (V1ce Junior
Pres1dent) Abby William (Secretary), Kathryn Hillyard (HI tonan). Sean Thomas (Treasurer). Alex Milton (Off1cer at Large).
The lunior club repre ent the lunior cia ol 2014. They participate in homecoming activitie a well
a organize fundrai er to help with the planning ol prom.