Page 244 - 2013 Columbian
P. 244

The Student Go  er nment A  o  idtion (SG  ) organize  and  participate  in all  tudent activrti   A  lew ol  the larg
    e  t a  tivitie  are  homecoming week,  Little Tiger  Christma  Party,  the canned  food  drive, and CH  graduation.
     G  participate  at the  tate and regional  level  by attending leader  hip conlerence  to help build leaderc;,h1p  kill
    individual!  and a  a group.

    First Row (left to right): Brayden Thomas (OII1cer of Council Affiliations). Octavious Bu1ey (Parllamentanan). V1ctona  W1se (H1stonan),
    Hayley Lew1s (Secretary).  Kayla  Archer (Vice President).  Carter Jackson (President) Ms.  Hunter (Sponsor)  Second Row: Jesse Stokes,
    Dan 1 elle MathiS,  Ashley Shoup, Anabelle Blevins. Savannah Thomas.  Alex Milton. Mikayla Edenf1eld,  Peyton Quillen. Abby Will1am .  S~fr
    Third Row: Chase  Broome, Jocelin  Bal.  Morgan Jackson.  Lauren  M1xon,  Hanna  Perry, Jaidyn  Rogers. Maria D'Antoni.
    Samantha Z1egaus, Jeweliana Reg1ster. Victoria Jackson. Timothy Pierce.  Zachary Edwards.  Fourth Row: Tessa  Futch.  Ca1tlyn  Will,
    Lyndsey Thomas.  Shonglee Ho.  Colby Hollmgswonh, Carson Tilton. Un1que  Doughty,  Kristah Couey, Caroline Cribb  . Knstina
    Wortman.  Fifth Row: Tristan Osteen, Jessica  Faucher. Jacob Strickland,  Brant Nelson. Savannah  Wheeler, M1kayla  Reg1ster, Emily
    Jordan.  Rachel Johnson.  Shelby Camp  Sixth Row:  athan  Bo1ce. Sean  Thomas.  Nichole Baptista,  Haley Roberson. Callie Garrell,
    Jackson  Horne.  Parth  Patel
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