Page 87 - 2013 Columbian
P. 87
JV footbCA"
ttCArd wor~ sui\
A Interception 1n the m1ddle ol a game
can get the whole team f1red up and cause the other team to slow
down. That could make a big dlflerence in a game by how much a
team cores It can make players work harder in order to win
Before every game four players are
chosen by the coaches to find out who will start oil with the ball
first. They are usually the leaders or hardest working players on the
team. To most players it is a big privilege to be able to be a captain
and it gams the respect I rom the other team's players
The p1cture above to the left is Williams going for a deep pass down I 1eld
to make a first down or a touchdown If he would have dropped the ball 1t could have caused a
turnover and gave the other team a chance to score. In the picture above to the right is Harris
mak1ng a huge sack against Madison County He !ought his way through the offensive line to
make th1s tackle and was a big player for the JV football team.
r Ire PllSS In the
picture to the left is Taylor 1n
the m1ddle of a pass. He saw a
receiver down field open and
decided that he was the man
to give the ball to. Williams IS
doing a major JOb by blocking
the outs1de lmebacker or doing
something to get 1n his way so
that Taylor can get the ball oil to
the open man down I ield.
running back's JOb is to fmd the
right hole to run through. To
drive the1r feet for as long and
hard as possible to keep the ball
tight to their body and safe in
order to get the yards that are
needed. Runnmg backs don't
always run the ball. sometimes
they have to block or go out
for a pass when 1 t IS necessary
for them to do soil the play is