Page 84 - 2013 Columbian
P. 84

JV  -n  erettes

                                      What's  The  Pointe?

                                               Jun1or Var  1ty at  their l1rst
                                pep rally anx10u  ly wa1ting  to JOin  Var  1ty on  the
                                idelines. And of cour  e.  they"re way too exc1ted  lor
                                their own good I

                                                                                                     Captam Jocelin  Bal  (lOth)
                                                                                              dances on  the  1deline w1th  her
                                                                                              pink and gold poms support1ng
                                                                                               Breast Cancer  lor the month of

                                                                                               The futl.lre   TI~ rette  JV  and
                                                                                               Vars1ty  hosted a future Tigerelles
                                                                                              cl1n1c  with more than 60 young
                                                                                              g1rls allendmg. lt"s an  honor and a
                                                                                              great expenence to dance w1th  and
                                                                                               mspire future Tigerelles.

                                      From  left to nght we have Lieutenants Adnanna Mims and  Megan McCray.
                              Captain Jocelin  Bal. Co-Captam Cassady Feagle.  and  Lieutenants Natalia  Pardo.  and  Lauren
                              MIXOn .
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