Page 88 - 2013 Columbian
P. 88
No n fhe Extra Mi\e
for It's a team ellort as the
Columbia Lady Tigers IV team Jump up
and reach lor the ball agam t the
Hamilton delense and I ight lor the
Arshayla Bryant drives past two
delenders as she dribbles the ball down
(lOth) runs down the court and leaps
to drop in a floater alter
ball I rom a Lady Trojan
Wor Portpar:J JV pomt guard Cinnamon
Dav1s (9th) takes the ball around her
JV Tiger Alkedna Lew1 (9th)
JUmps up JUSt outs1de the pamt to take an
uncontested shot during a home game.
Freshman JV Tiger Krista I Smith drives
in and takes a jump shot against her defender.
JP Sullivant