Page 9 - 2013 Columbian
P. 9
Blatherwick competes
with the Skate Club
at a competlton m
Is fc.~ In Love MJ War Girls can get very crazy when 11 comes to a
guy. II can easily become a compe1111on 11 other girls are mvolved and
may result in new enemies.
Chorus has concerts but there's more to them than that This
group competes and travels to places like Disney World to smg.
The JV Academ1c Team rece1ved second place at the district tournament.
Front Row: Elijah R1vera (lOth). Bnan Dunn (lOth). Bradley West (lOth)
Back Row: Priyanka Patel (lOth). Megha Patel (9th)
Band 1sn't JUSt for football; they have their own
competilons and concerts. Columbia hosted a competition in October,
and our band d1d ab olutely superb.