Page 13 - 2013 Columbian
P. 13
+t I" "I really enJOY being the nurse's
It 1 very reward1ng and g1ve me the op·
portun1ty to work w1th others and expenence the
reality of the medical field ." Courtney Schmitt
(12th) ( u1 e Aide, 4th Period)
0tudents donated blood before and d1dn't know what to
"I hadn't ever
expect. I had heard donatmg blood could help
people and poss1bly save l1ves. I couldn't pass up
0hCAre an opportunity hke that." Ty Williams (lith)
til' Da iVrtr Shanng a smile while working on pamtlng a new
home seems rather petty to some people. What mo t people m A merCia don't
realize IS how rich we are and even a smile can make all the difference 1n the
world ." Joy ettles (12th).
r "I put books away here and there. check out
books and scan them back m, but my favorite part is bemg surrounded by such
an amazmg faculty They teach me so much and make the time spent. really
enJoyable" Cori Calymuk (12th) (Library A1de. 4th Penod)
ft +t a f r ftq s "Ho piCe has opened our eyes to a new meaning of life
and compas 1on that we have never seen before. The people we help cont1nu·
ously teach us to appreciate all aspects of life and help us live every day to the
Iuiie t" Shonglee Ho (lith) and Alexandra HvOJnlk (lOth) (Ho p1ce Volunteers)
Ashley Shoup (lOth) help Matthew Hunter (9th) paint pillar
while volunteenng locally with their church camp.
"I enJOY be1ng a gu1dance aide because I like being able to help
ease the stress on the faculty m gu1dance: plu there is never a dull moment in
here."Ka1tlyn Rouse (12th) (Guidance Aide. 4th Period)
Jordan Mornll (12th) a1ds in the L1brary at CHS and says he
enjoys the fact that by him helping, he makes someone's day a lntle bit better.