Page 18 - 2015 Columbian
P. 18


                                                                                     you                k?

                                                                                  ou  spend

                                                                                  chec  ?

                                                                     Lauren  Butler   works at Ellianos Coffee Shop.  She
                                                                     managed to get the JOb when her srster left, and rs  now
                                                                     consrdered the baby because of her age.  Sre works twrce
                                                                     a week, totaling about 7 hours. Wren her paycheck first
                                                                     cornes rt goes stra ght rnto the bank.  SoMetn  g she has
                                                                     bougl>t so far wrth her money IS a parr of Ray Ba!'ls.  Lauren
                                                                     loves what she does and rs  exerted to be workmg there!

                            Antyna Cald  ell  12} has a JOb  at the Regal
                          Clne!Yla 90.  Sh  has been workrng there srnce
                         the suMmer of 2013 and currently works about
                          15 to 20 hours a week.  "I  love my JOb. It's the
                           perfect first ,o  .  Not too hard,  not too easy,"
                         She says.  With the money she recerves she pays
                           for her car and gets little grfts for  her mother
                                               and grandmother.
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