Page 19 - 2015 Columbian
P. 19

Alex1a Scott   1s  a
                                                                                              GymnastiCS  nstructor at Bard
                                                                                              GymnastiCS. She has  been there
                                                                                              s1nce she was  10 years old as
                                                                                              a student, and slowly worked
                                                                                              her way up.  Now she teaches a
                                                                                              class every week  When Alexia
                                                                                              rece1ves her paycheck she
                                                                                              usually buys g1fts for her n1eces
                                                                                              and nephews. Alex.a's JOb  IS
                                                                                              un1que for someone her age,
                                                                                              and she loves 1t!

                                                                        Alexa DeMarco   started work•ng at Moes m January
                                                                        of 2015 and  now works 2-3 days every week.  "It's an
                                                                        1nterest1ng atmosphere and, I 'T\ean, I get pa1d," she sa1d.
                                                                        Although Alexa spends most of her paychecks on food
                                                                        and concerts, she still manages to put some as de ,~ hopes
                                                                        of eventually buy1ng a car.

                                                                                              All  Un:attributed  Photos By Gilberto  Boli.nos (10}
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