Page 91 - 2015 Columbian
P. 91


                                                                                                        Kelby Hogan {10}
                                                                                                        IS  a softball player
                                                                                                        who IS  wholly
                                                                                                        ded1cated to her
                                                                                                        sport and loves
                                                                                                        It With a paSSIOn.
                                                                                                        She treats her
                                                                                                        tearr1 like fam  y
                                                                                                        and enjoys hav1ng
                                                                                                        a good t1me w1th
                                                                                   them.  Before a game Kelby  part1c1pates 1n
                                                                                   the team dance offs and  puts on eye black for
                                                                                   every home game that they play 1n.  If she could
                                                                                   mprove anything as an 1nd1v1dual, 1t would be
                                                                                   her h1ttmg and  runn1ng. She also feels that as a
   First Row: Emg1ah  Mannmg. Lacey K1ng  Second Row: Kelby Hogan,Leslie Ronsonet,Miracle Holton,Shanta Pelham,   team they could  become more focused  1n  the
   Kamdyn  Kv1 stad. Third Row: Tatum Morgan, Jazman Myers, Sarah Lew1s, Mattie Young, Alama Perry, lvone Maltby,
                                                                                   dugout and on the field. The most memorable
   Lexus Eaker, Leanne Fulford
                                                                                   morr1ent for her was when she h1t her first
                                                                                   home run aga1nst M1ddleburg.

                                                                                                         descnbes the team
                                                                                                         as head strong and
                                                                                                         dedicated to the
                                                                                                         sport they love.
                                                                                                         Our team IS  close
                                                                                                         knit and they are
                                                                                                         all there for the
                                                                                                         same reason, to
                                                                                                         play the game and
                                                                                   wm. Skylar cla1ms that her lucky charm IS  her
                                                                                   cleats because she scored her first homerun m
                                                                                   them  She says the team has a pregame ritual
                                                                                   of saymg a prayer to keep themselves safe from
                                                                                    harm and victonous 1n thew endeavors.
    First Row: Peyton Hardin, Nicole Dempsey, Skylar Parnell, Malone Ronsonet. Second Row: Mad1son Johnson, Britney Drysdale,
    Fa1th  Cook, Jamilyn Jeffnes, Carol Glenn, Mad1son  Kennon, Kelcey Mclean.
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