Page 86 - 2015 Columbian
P. 86
Carlos Wilson
{10} has been
play1ng basketball
s1nce he was
e1ght years old. In
middle school, he
played two years
on the Lake City
M1ddle School
basketball team.
He spent one
year on the CHS
JV basketball team and 1s now on the Vars1ty
team. Carlos says that he really hkes h1s team and
has learned a lot about teamwork wh1le bemg on
the team. When asked what h1s self-motto was,
he replied w1th, "Wmners tra1n, losers complam •
First Row: Kalin Timmons, Jordan Coppock, Carlos W ilson, Taurean Hill, Kelvin Jonas, Terrious Baker
Second Row: Lee Peterson, Darrel Jones, Wayne Broom, Coach Faulkner. Daryl Richardson, Terry Coo per, Dilan Hall
Nathaniel Jacobs { 11 }
started play1ng
basketball at ten
years old. He
played on th1s
m1ddle school
basketba: team
for all three years.
As well as two
years on the CHS
basketball team,
Nate played on JV
for h1s rrst year and then made Vars1ty. When
asked h1s favonte memory from bemg on the
team so far, he repl1ed. "I loved playmg basketball
th1s summer w1th my teammates. The whole
team went to Lakeland and came 1n second place
at AAU It was a great, expenence."
First Row: Tyrone Mullins, Latray'vious Miller, D'Angelo Perry. Derontay Levy, Austin Nash. Second Row: Trenton Jones,
John Sandlin, Eli Thomas, Nathaniel Jacobs, Ja Hawkins, Jaylan Mills, JacqUise Brown, Kobe Kimble, Deonte Bradley