Page 88 - 2015 Columbian
P. 88
Devm {9} has been
play1ng tenfliS for
five years. He
started playmg
because of h1s dad,
wilo 1s a former
tenms player.
Be1ng a freshman,
Dev1n's favonte
part of be1ng on
the CHS tenn1s
team IS gett1ng
to play w1th the older guys who are more
advanced because they help shape h1m •nto a
better player. He loves to play tenn1s because
•t IS a good way to stay act1ve, have fun, and
meet new people.
First Row: Joshua Lew1s, Noah Rob1nson, Reid Wherl1, Andrew Milito, Damel Rendel, Devm Adams, Chnst1an Ch1ong.
Second Row: Coach Lear, Bryce Duren, Brandon La Vance, Jack Blizzard, Mason Adk1ns, Brandon Helms, G1lberto Bolanos,
Coach Moore. Not Pictured: Steven Rendel.
Stephan1e {10}
started playmg
tenms four years
ago. She was
ntroduced to
·t by her best
fnend Leah, who
was also on the
CHS Tenn1s team.
Her favon e part
of bemg on the
tenms team IS the
games they play at pract1ce and all of the cool
clothes that the team gets. For Stephan1e, tenn1s
IS a b1g stress reliever and helps her do better
m her classes. Stephan1e has been tak1ng pnvate
lessons and has consistently been working
on her forehand. The one th1ng she wants to
Improve m her game 1s moving her feet and First Row: Brittany Helms, Cass1dy Lear, Fa1th Johnson, Chase Broome, Megan Zahnle, V1ctona Jackson.
gettmg around the court. Second Row: Coach McMahon, Hannah Munns, Savannah Peck, Lex1 Cruz, Anasha Kapas1, Stephanie Roberts, Damella Pickenn
Abb1e Conner, Coach Lear.