Page 186 - 2016 Columbian
P. 186

Young                          Ani me
                                                   Republicans'  C I u b                          ABOUT THIS CLUB. An1me  r
        Creative  Wr i ting                                                                         we,  ~ ud  1'1  ~   th ~   r   ere
       ABOUT THIS CLUB, C  e...  1e Wnt1ng g1ves stud   s   ABOUT THIS CLUB, Young Repub  cans C ub   "'e  we  K y  fhe mern')ers
           p  Jr       press themselves w1th words. It   prov1des 5  Je   Interested 1n  the republican party   ga•  ~;r ·~gether •o ..vatc h d" -ne,
       IS the first year 1n  the makmg for the club   w1th a place to gather together and d1scuss the1r   draw  cosp,Jy. read ma'lgc.,  dnd h
                                                      poht1cal1deas.                              v  cjPO P,8ffie  tourr 'lments.

          1  T yl  r J  ey  09) prorrot ng
          he club and recru  :1g new
          rrembers at Ed  Far.                          Abb e Coroner  Hu:1ter Peeler  Mattrew H"nter.
          l  (.arly Knowles  12) and                    Cia  Ol" Ste1nruck, Caleb Crooms.
          Raven Mart :1  (12) workmg hard
          on the r crea•  e wn  ng p eces
          3  Ka Ia She  ey ( 1 0). Sara Blanks
          ( 11 ). T Y'er Holloway (1 0) and                                         Abb1e Conner (12)
          Katelynn Creed' ( 11) hang ng                                             IS  a proud mer'lber
          out  n the club.                                                          oftne Young
                                                                                    Republicans Oub.
                                                                                    She becar'le
                                                                                    Interested  ro  pol t1cs
                                                                                    when she was 1n  the
                                                                                    fifth grade, dunng
                                                                                    the pres1deorot1al  race
                                                                                    of2008. After
                                                                                    see1ng her favonte
                                                                                    cand1date  ose the
                                                                                    race, she deoded to
                                                                                    take a stand for her
                                                                                    po ltlcal bel eofs.  By
                                                                                    be ng  ro  th s dub
                                                                                    Abb1e can express
                                                                                    her pol tical VJews
                                                                                    w tr others who
                                                                                    a1so has the sar'le
             Front Row: Ms.  Me.-t<er (Sponsor)  Ka1la She  ey. joshua Garbett.
             Second R.ow Tiffame Wa  er, Zachary Mararoto, Megan Bal. Aliaa
             Holton  Raven Martin. It> rd Row jos1ar Carr, Cathleen Towroe.
             AI  son Truesdale  Ashlr Busscher. Bnanna Thornton. Back Row:
             N1cho e K ng.  T y er Ho loway  Tyler Utley, N1cholas Sm1th, Carly

                                                                          An 1m e
                                                                                Ju  e    ,  1,  Bethany Howell. Kelly T1dwe  , Cody Garbett
                                                                                  Austin LeWIS,  L1am  Darcy. joseph Hartsuff. Jaydn James, Dylan Me  a
                                                                          Devonte' Moore, Va  ne Foe  ele, T ren en Perry.   Da1sha Gaye
                                                                          Sara Murawski, Kyle Arthur, Regg1e Platt. Lalo Cruz. Oliv1a  Bass,
                                                                          Hunter Ragsdale-T om1mats, Xav1er Mernll,  lan Howard.   James Ph  p
                                                                          Anaston Ash. Megan WarwiCk, Chnstopher Peck,  Brandon Oweros, Aus  ro  Mor
                                                                          Austyn Creech, JessiCka T nmble
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