Page 187 - 2016 Columbian
P. 187

Dram a  C I u b
                                                                     F FA
                                             ABOv T TH S CLUB
                                             Ora  a Gu1 -J,  -r,.oupe   A  0   T   Future Farmers of Amenca (FFA)  sa club t"'at
                                             2934,  sacubofyoung   g1ves students Interested 1n  agnculture a cha:1ce to learn the var ous
                                             thesp1ans that gather   SKills that they w  use   the•r future careers.
                                             together to put on
                                             var·ous performances.
                                             ~re1r product1ons t" s
                                             ye  " Include·  Scarrest Play
                                             Ever,  Night of One Acts,
                                             -1nd  Wily Wonka ar>d  ft>e
                                             Chocolate Factory

                                            •  Ke rstero Cothran (11
                                            r Gr rr Brothers
                                            Spect  c  otho
                                            2  Tab tha Gray (09 .  ra
                                            'ihaw (09), Harnah Lange
                                            ( 11 ~· and Bryar Howe
                                            (09,  n Score~  Ploy Ev  r
                                            3·  Mana Morales (11)  n
                                            Gnm BrotiJers
                                            4  Morgar Mcca  (12)
                                            perform ng on stage

                                                                    Dram a
                                                                           M   g   Sponsor), N1cholas Smrth. Ashlyn Busscher, Carly Know es,
                                                                    l<.e1rs  n Cothr a• , Dakota St1tS1nger, Jumee Lu  e.   Kayla  Howard.
                                                                    Desarae Glllyard. Holly-May Lawton, Hannah Hornberger,  oah Hugg ns,
                                                                    Sydney Gnffin. W1lliam Gnffin. Alex s W1ll1ams, Sarah Gnflin. Keyla Lopez.
                                                                    Maktnsey Sheldon, Cheyenne Neal, Rebecca Will1ams.   Lanna Mcrae,
                                                         ~l:~lii•  Tab•tha Gray,  Manssa Jolliffe. Jaelynn Hart. Carly  1st, Logan Stanley, Alioa Holton.
                                                                    M1ah  Edelstein, Samantha Baxter, Raven Martin, Dezmund Cothran, Hale•gh Cnbbs.
                                                                    Autumn Walhamson.   Bnanna Thornton, Ca1tlin Howard.
                                                                    Avery Wallace. Gabnel Stengel, Devonte' Moore. Regg•e Pia  t, A exandna Wa dron,
                                                                    Mana l"'orales, Da1sha Gaye, Taylor Damp1er, Kira Shaw. Bryan Howe .
                                                                          joshua Johnson, Ru  h Belen, Kay! n Guy, Hannah Robertson, Alyssa Wi
                                                                    M guel Mun z, Alora G  nn, Hannah Lange  Sara Muraws  , Apnena R ey, Ke sey Mott.

                                                                                                     Clubs & Organ zat1on
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