Page 190 - 2016 Columbian
P. 190
T i ger Bank Sp anish
FCC LA Span1sh C ub s for students
that are mterested 1n
study1ng the Span1sh anguag
ABOUT THIS C UB FaM y. Career and Commun1ty
leaders of Amer -a (FCC;..A) s a cub for students as well as culture of
Interested m a career 1n he cui r~ary arts. Th1s c ub prov1des Span1sh class.
t'1ern w1th a place to en'"lance the1r s 1lls.
I m gad we e he apport
•o exp o•e l!e Span st> cu ure
wnh others who share the s :"le
pass on for t as do
Jam e Levers 1 1 )
M f •t nsor). Ms. Buzzella (Sponsor). Ms. Guzman (Sponsor
Chnstoan Col ns. Voctor Morotano-Cruz, Megha Patel, Tomothy Poer e
Ke cey Mclean, Rebecca Kam, Anasha Kapas.. Voctona Doms,
Ma enzoe Kemp, Col n Broome. Sarah Docks, Cheyenne eal, Mana Mora es.
Jamoe Levers, L nash Thomas. Voctona Powe I, Mehssa Gurrey,
Ameba Gous o, Baley Ha I, Oltvoa Gousto, Mol a Medona. Kassady Mclean.
Alondra Nater, Damoen Williams, De"Borah Steele, jasm ne Volalta
Auston Purvos. Alexander Gurney, Chnstoan Doaz Perez, Manuel Morales.