Page 207 - 2016 Columbian
P. 207
The Marchtng Band comtng Into the stadtum to pay the Ttgers
to VIctory.
2 Devon Wilson ( 1 0). Btly Fnar ( 1 0) and Jacob Ayers ( 11) show
thetr tiger pnde by painting the•r races purple and gofd.
3. Kamano Bell (11) and Dallon Wash1ngton (12) celebrate a z
T1ger touchdown.
4 The student sectlol" getttng " tt" for lockoff.
5. Davtl" Schuck ( 11) loo ng for a recetver wh1le I" the poe et.
6. Jumor Class officers accept the Homecorl"tng trophy for the C)
second year tn a row.
7. Get Smart members Russell Hampton (12) and
Chnsuan Zecher ( 12), a11l' "Magnum PSI" to shoot out t-sh1rts.
8. Kamano Bell (11) makes a successful Ttger first down.
9. Latre I Wtlhams ( 12) runs th ball down the field
crowning MOMENT
Congrat at OI"S to
Victona Jackson and TiMotny Perce
J Hor!lecom ng K ng and Queen
Wf)en y '1arr e was ca ed to be the next Homecom ng Ou n, t'1e first emo tOn
l was corl"plete snack l"'ever expected to be gtven th s hoi"Or fhe expenence
l'url"bled rl"e a d I felt so honored to rece ve the amount of respect ard eve from my
assl"la es al"d peers. Wa k ng across the r.e d and betng crowned Queen was one of
the most :'lcred be expe ences of rry fe"- Vtctona Tor jackson