Page 202 - 2016 Columbian
P. 202
yes, we do!
The Homecoming Pep Rally is where each class gets loud, proud,
and has fun. Dunng the pep rally, the cheerleaders cheered,
Tigerette's danced, and the band jammed out. With the football
team watch1ng, students played games to pump up the players
for the1r b1g game. Also, dunng the pep rally we honored our
Alumni by takmg the floor and sing1ng the Alma Mater. Th1s
year we participated 1n Rachel's Challenge and created a
cham filled of quotes that were based on acts of
kindness Witnessed by the students. Th1s chain
wrapped around the gym not once, not twice, but
three t1mes. Students did a great JOb 1n
represent1ng the1r classes and gett1ng the
team pumped up for the game.
1 S1erra Beadles. Leanne
Fu ord. Math!SOil M I gan, Ahaa
MartJn, As le1 Raulerson. and
Mad son Smith were all part of
why ne Senior Oass won the
sptr ck.
2. For Racher s Cha ePge the
students crea ed a cha~r- out of
e random acts of kindness
performed by students and
faculty dunng Homecorn1r>g
3. Freshmen, Derek Simpson
and oah Campbell ta e 01' the
Sophomores 111 Tug of War
4. Samantha Jackson, Jordan Ryder, R.J ey
Eubank. Ab1gad Larsen, Apnena R.J ey, T akemma
Stewart, and Laurel Daniel, a group ofT1gerettes,
sm e for a quick photo before preform1ng a routme.
5. Ms. McMahon acts as Ka')' Perry wh1le Ms. HerndOr' takes a
family tnp Ill the teacher s
6. T;mo y P1erce IS crowned your 2015-2016 Hornecom r-g K1ng.
La you des1gn by Bnttany Hell"ls ( 11)
All unattr buted photos by SWI