Page 204 - 2016 Columbian
P. 204
The tables were turned at CHS as the
boys bumped and sptked and the gtrls
tackled and ran thetr way to VICtory tn
ATTLE Juntors placed first tn the football game
boys' volleyball and gtrls' powderpuff.
wtth the Sentors comtng tn second,
Sophomores placed thtrd and
Freshmen came tn fourth. Although
boys' volleyball was fo ed wtth many
upsets, the Sentors prevatled.
Freshmen secured second place,
LASSES followed by the Juntors 1n thtrd place
and and the Sophomores tn fourth.
1 Au Mana Kelly ( 11) JUkes a
ser>tor player
2. The Freshmen Team pose or
a team ptcture after plactng
3. Sophomore class took thtrd
place after beatmg the
4. The Sen1ors pose wtth
thetr cheerleaders before
they go to battle agatnst the
other classes.
layout design by EJr;+tany Helms (11)