Page 113 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 113

Statistical  Table.

               '\0.   STRO'\t;  POINTS.   BHST  FRIFS!l.  I·  \\"ORITI·,  RE"ORT  Wll \T  I  TIIISK  I  .\\{,   \\IIIITIO:'\   t' \I"SI  01·  IW\TII.

                I  Poker.     His face.   B~<l.     ~)IIH.:thillg".   "Oc.d.t or Bu ... t."   IC...·.trt hn•akn.   Rork •-.alt.
                2   ntas.~es.   !".A. R   The ca~tlc.   Chaunt'l'\.  Dt.•  Pt·ach.  "Cnt it Out."   To pl.ty tn.\Utlolin.   I kart f.1ilun.
                  Talking.    Boot ..   Fn•t• entt.-rtolin·   Sccoud \\'elJ..,tt.·r.   "  ~ht.··.., .un a  B. thy.  '   To ln.·  .1  l.ld!  killt·r.   1~\.l)\'t't()f.llion.
                4  Too :\tnY.   Hasn't an\·.   Bath hcntst'.   A  husittt.~..,..,  m.lll,   "  f\.tl  't.:lll  up  Bah1..·."   To ht.  t.tll   l.od~ j.n\.
                s  Imitation.   The Chin~·unan.  Po..,t ofikt.   Ra..,challj)lan:r.   "  Rat .... "   To n•m:tin ht·n•.   Old a~<·.
                6  \\'alking in sleep.  The  hahi~s.   Sin~ SinK.   Evtrvh(w  ,-·~"'"tTl·   ".\111  I  not IIaml'-'<mh .• "  To 1-{raduatc   Gout.
                                                     lu.::i.rt . •
                7  BeautY.    :\ucks.   At her hottst.·   Coming (~ilmon.·.   "Kill it Jk.ul."   Can't dl·t·idc.   lttchgt ... lton.
                h  EKoti~m.   1,0\"l'.   Lon•r's lane.   ( ... tuff.   "  Binht·  Dt•ar "   To fini ... h  l'n.·p.   Cold fn·t.
                9  :\t . .'Cktu .. •s.   Hts revoln:r.   Jhr room.   )   "B.thY :\Imt.•.''   To look prdt).   I>i:-.otppoinlllll'llt.
                IO  Small feet.   Bottle.   Church.   Unite a  hig man.   "llolh (;l'l' . ''   To gnm,   E'pn~nn.·.
                II  lnspt-l'lion.   Star me~o.;.   Prexy's.   Dl'WC\',   "Comt.· to attention,  '   To look important.   Ruhht.·r tH•t·king.
                I2  Showing- off.   The cook.   In ct:.ll.   ;\ ht·ei- ganlcn.   "~mud ()ff.''   To gt·t thl  t·up.   Rad hn tth.
                I3  ~Iouth.   :'\h'-'S  F.   llomc.   Cotmnatllkr.   •• ( )h  1  tht Uit·ktti"'. ''   To ht:'  h.tmlma-.ter.   T«)(l  Tltnc.:h  "''-'II  sen.
                I4  1 [is hig brother.   s. s.   Sumnu.·r houst•.   .\  darltng-.   "Snt.•'" Burniug."   To \\in ht:r.   Ki""·
                I5  So regular.   II is sword.   \\'ith thl'  habit·..,.   The '' holt•  ptt.•.   "It'-. ll.llf Tl'n. ''   To he t·omm:lltlttttt.   Fauuh trouhks.
                I6  \\'hisker ....   ;\lt.•ss  hall.   Room 51.   Po ...'r ( ;t:ntr.\1.   "<;i' Jill' ~otllt' tahh.H'l'O, ''To lin• htgh.·r tuntt·d o\·t:r.
                I7  ll<•ad.   \\'eeks.   Kit~..·ht:n.   Adjutant.   •· Ba'  Jla I  lkt  .1  ;1,"   \\".Ilk  proud.   lltt \\ith a  hrirk.
                IS  t~ udist'oH·n·(l.   Hb heauty.   :\.round ... ugar howl.  < ~n..·at -.port.   "  Hot  Rag-."   To p.trt  h.ur.   H.ur tunn·cl  \\ lnh .
                I9  Loud  sork~.   Powdt.:r.   ln jail.   lk.trt hr<·.1kl-r.   "\\'hy :\  \lin•."   To 1u.: a  'P()rt.   Po\\ckr' out.
                20  Electricity.   Crack-a-le\\.   I>ormiton.   Edi .... on.   ••  (~oing- llouu.•.''   T1l ht:at the kicl-...   Run (l\'l' r  h\· slrl'l'l t·ar.
                2 I  Cards.   Craps.    Bt'ltincl ch.•or.   Canl Shark   "  Comt.·  7 ('Oilll'  t  t.' ·   To het.'OJ11(_• ridt.   ( ~ot hrokt·.
                22  Spaui!-oh.   Cuhans.   Shop.    ~l1Tll' one·.,.  hmtl'\"   '' (;et Ri).{ht."   To g-o  to sdtool.   S\\l'll lll.ld
                2;  jumpi11g-.   :\tiss 0.   \\'hill' hou'l'.   Jumpl·r.   ·   11  BahY."   To malt• a  mark   Dllpt.·fl.
                24  Music.    Prof.  Ror~t·r.   En:r~·where.   Snrn•yor.   '' Lad~· wtth Ra).{-ttllll'   To ll·arn tllathem.ttit'"·  Shot \\ ith .t pop gun.
                2S  MoralitY.   The bird.   t•JHler na:ss tahlc.  Prof.'!-. pl'l.   "Oh, it-  To hl· a  man .   \lortitlettion.
                26  His knot.   ~!iss C.(;,   \\'ood ....   \  o.,pnrt.   .. Horst_·fl."   Ct.·ntt·r for·.tnl.   Fh Ink
                27  To rea<! Scott.   En·rdKHlY.   Ht.·r hou-.(',   Scholar.   '' Oh !  g-o on "   To hl'at his ri\·a),,   Ihl·d and rehtpst:d.
                2S  Too slow  for any.  I\Iirr()r,  ·   Jlath house.   Ladies' :.\Ian.   "Too Sl<H\  for anY."   To h;t,n't any.   "irkt.·d hv dtll'kl·n.
                29  Big eater.   Gin    nath  house  nit),   Sweet.   "l'm.,.o Pn·ttY.".   To Ion·  Pror:  Bor~t.·r  <ht.·r  l·.tti·n~.
                30  Football.   ~our Grapf.:s.   Back of.\ barracks  Bully.   ,, S<_n\  no ... s. It  -  Too ...,)c)\\  for any.   Scan·d to dt..tth.
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