Page 109 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 109

Row H.   '' Guess it's time to inspect."
                                                        Rises  to  inspect.)
                          ::\  H.-Tht"e boys had been there before   S.mssy's story" ill  be published in the ne ·t \'ear Book
                                                         DI \J,()(i('F  2.
                                                Srtll<.  "  Star  :Mess."  Timt, supper.
                                       Olann, Finch, Stoy and  Perkins ,eated.  Enkr Carrel,  late )
                          ~!.\:-<'\' .-" \\'onder \1 here Carrel's bten ?"
                          FI'\'CII   "Can't imagine.   l>idn  t  kilO\\.  he e1·er wt'nt anywhere."
                          ~1 \'\''\'.-" \\'here do you think he'll  go to night>"
                          FI:SCI!.  "Don t  kn0\1 he was going to the castle."
                          M .\'\''\' -"You don't -ay so.  \\'ell,  wdl.'   (Sings.   " 1  \las bred in Cle1·eland and she in-"
                          C.IRREI .. -" Hold on  tla~re,  man.   Let me tell you a  good one   \\'ell  '-de , etc ,  de
                          ,-\t  this  point  l'o::rkins  lau};{l"  and  breaks  up  the  con,·ersation   Perkins's  laugh would break  up house·
                     keeping, and  he isn't allo\\·ed to Ltu>{h  on Sunday for  fear of breaking the Sabbath
                                                         Dr.ILOGe~: 3·
                          \'tHCF   "  Let's go."
                          SEco;o;D  \'mo:.-" Let's go."
                          P.\TTISII.II.I. -" /.rt's go.'''
                          ( Pat doesn't mean any harm, but his voice sounds like a  rusty fog horn
                          ~1.\JOR  R011 F.-Battalion, atten·t i·o·n !"
                          And the scene is over.
                          \'erily,  I  say uuto you,  the ~less llall  is  a  strange  place. and strange creaturl>s do therein abound.  Hut,
                     verily,  it  is  a  pleasant  place·  ·an  oasis  in  the  day's  drean  desert of  ~lath .,  Botany and  Physics.  In  poetry
                     once more and  for  the last time:
                                        Forward, turn f01ward,  oh, time,  in your flight:
                                          ~lake it be just about:. 10 co-night
                                         Let me go in  the .\less !!all and fill  up  Ill\'  seat
                                          \\'ith a  table of "Old .\le" II all Crub" o'er Ill\' fed.
                                                     -FnJm lite .~i 111111101/s  oj  /'.  (  •  /Jtomf>S<II/.
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