Page 110 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 110

Listen  to  My  Tale  of  Woe.

                       Come,  listen  all  unto  my song,                So  some  of tlu.:nl,  the\·  went  to  work
                          It  is  no  :,illy tale,                          To  make  it  a  succe~s.
                       "I' is  all  about a  won<i<:rful  book.          Some  of them  "·orked  ,·ery  much,
                          The Juniors  han:  for  sale.                     Some  more, some  lt:ss,  all(]  kss.

                       The  members  of the  Junior  Class               Some  would  not  try  at  all  to  help
                          •  \  great  year book  were  making,             This  helpless  thing  along .
                       And  often  by  their  anxious  thoughh           They  seemed  to  think  that  all  the  class
                          They set  themseh·es  a  <[Uaking.                II ad  dune  them  some  great  wrong

                       They  knew  that  they  must  write  enough       To  .\lbs  ~IcClintock beloni-,'5  the  praise
                          To  fill  a  hundred  pages ;                     Of  getting  out  this  story.
                       And  then  the  time  they  bad  for  it,         \\'e  wish  that  we  might  crown  her  head
                          \\'ould  not  make  two  men's  ages.             With  everlasting  glory.
                       And  then  much  money  had  to  come             She  cheered  us  on  from  day  to  day,
                          From  out  somebody 's  pockets,                  .\nd  told  us  what  to  do,
                       To  make  our  year book s  fame  blaze  out      .\nd  helped  us  out  in  e\·ery  way,
                          Like  many  bright  sky·rockcts.                  To  her  all  praise  is  due.
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