Page 111 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 111
[)aM1e Holl1ngsworth was always a good sport. Leadersh•P kids are the best dressed. Can't you tell?
Stephen Roberts and Matt Ga•ney show sptrrt.
MIChael S1mmons and linda Fannm really love thalf jObs Yes. these two lived up to the11 gnns
Ryan Trespalaoos and Trey Beauchamp are enthus•astK:'
These g111s were always sm•ling no matter what the job. Yes. leadership club had lots of fun. All work no play· no wayl
Tiffany Coll1ns and Ryan Trespalac1os were hard at work on homecom1ng themes Yep, rt's the 5 musketeers • otl Thanks to th•s group we always had \/Oiunteers