Page 115 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 115
Brandon Be1l and Sherod Keen represent Ft. White H'ljh
School 1n the North Flonda Horan Bend Mr. Amaya IS very
pleased w1th these outstanding preformers
The march1ng band IS very proud of their new un1forms. don't they look sharp
Ke1th Halloway, Heather Wnght. and
Mane Grabowski are realty hard workers
'" the band performances
The war ctrums are souncting in
the Fort White High School
banct. Mr. Amaya, along with
the brass, wooct wincts, and
percussion, is the tradition. Mr.
Amaya is thrillect to be
privilagect with the opportunity
to be the first banct ctirector of
the new Ft. White High School
anct has big plans in minct tor
the banct program. The high
school banct per(ormect in
several paractes such as the
Memorial Day a net Christmas
paractes. One event helct in Ft.
White, in which the tubas
participatect, was Tuba Fest. The
tubas anct Mr. Amaya, playing
the baritone, per(ormect several
songs. Then a group of people
triect to set the recorct by
creating the worlct's largest
Beglming Band tuba chain on the Ichetucl<nee
Back row Meagan Sapp, Heather Thompson, Brandon Milliken, Jessy Barker, Montie Bow~ng, Joey Backwell, Jonus Worts, Mr. Amaya, Charles Stroz1er,
l'ldon James , Charles Vase, Steven Jeffers, Ronald Morgan, Joshua Stahl, Adam Burke, DaVId Hall, Le1ghann Gnlf1n, Chnsta1n P1nkowsk1, Row 3: Laura River. The high school band
Adam Ford, Joseph Callazo. Andrew Adams. J.D. Stnckland, Thomas Pamsh, Samatha Hasett1ne. EriCa Reed, Koren Kravec, Chelsea Watson. James presently contains about ZO
Cason, Robont M1nmefleld, Heather Stephenson. Row 2: Ashely Cobarty, Jenn,fer Rowan, Lindsay Mckee. Anyel~na Kaylee Hompson, Ken Kortess1s, Heather active stuctents, but will
Rosse, Bnan Ryals, Domek Lindsey, Alecta Pnnce, J1nette Granados. Pai11C18 Sp1n, Jesse Sm1lh, Brandon Keys. Phdhp James, Row I: Knslen Hamsson, increase anct may ctouble in size
Vanessa Sheuble, Amanda Btase)ewski, Andrew Larson. Keunda W1nyf1eld Usa Raclke, Angela Ph1U1ps. Janeys Grandlos next year.