Page 116 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 116

Meloay Makers of the New Millenium

             Goris' Ensemble                         8th grade Chorus
             Back Row: Moranda Stephens, Desiraa Pander, Jassoca Frame,   Back Row. Holllary Hughes, Ada Goolsby, Varonoca Bullock, Gwen Creal, Samantha Noll, Margoa Sheolds. Jennofer Bahr, Amanda
             Sebnna McWatters. 2nd Row: Amanda Doxon Meradoth Bauer   Navarro  Middle Row· Taylor Moss, Jasenia Solo. Naomo Gonzalez, Apnl Aldndge. Kallae Conway  Brando Lowrey  Bnttany RICh,
             Serena Bunn. Katharyn Porter, 1 st Row: Heather Laney. Ashley   Knstin Shaffer  Forst Row  Kandaca Colley, Ashley Strunk, Judy Gunter, Kartl Neubauer, Deanna Rochard  , Corey Wolson, Varonoca
             Stewart. Jassoca Johnson, and Ahcoa Monnoafoeld   Bryant

             7th Grade Chorus
             Back Row  Joanna Douglas, Knsten Cloud. Victoria Nazworth,
             Kyha Wonkles, Amanda Adkins. Stephan Holden Middle Row:
             Megan Shaffer, Amber Newton. Angel Thurston. Angela   6th grade Chorus
             Pholfips. Samantha Dyals. Ervon Armstrong  Forst Row  Mahssa   Back Row: Samantha Wheeler. Ashley Coberly. Maagan Sepp, Janeys Granados. Sebnna Palmer  Jessoca Sepp. Kalha Marton,
             Whole. Shen Danoals. Jessoca Heston, Jessoca Doxon   DeErra Kong  Rachel Regoster, Becky Mahony. Enn Reonhardt. Sarah Jackson Moddla Row· Bnttony Bass, Ashley Gamson, Whotney
                                                     Bogelo,y, Jared Golmer, sarah Faulkner, Kayia Carney, Jenny Bedenbaugh, Shane Pack. La  aisha Smith. Clara Conley
                                                     Jamoa Gebheart  Front Row  Mahnda Everett. Aiycoa Momll. Tiffany Brownong, usa Radke. Chnsta Strickland, Emriy Moser,
                                                     Brandon Keys, Brandon James. CaoUon Paruyero. Sl8118n  Beckman, Charrnaone Fonkley, Manon Drummond

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