Page 166 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 166

Fort White Leadership

                                               This      year's    really  involved  and  the    ahead of the Juniors.  All  we
                                        leadership  classes  were   leadership skits  were  some  of   can say is watch out for next
                                        extremely  busy.  They  lead   the best ever.  Thanks to Molly   year's  Sophomores  and
                                        every pep rally, made posters   Shoniker for all of her hard work   Seniors.  What a  battle that
                                        for  all  sporting  events,  and   writing   the   skits.   will  be!
                                        carried  off  one  amazing        Homecoming     was            leadership     is
                                        Homecoming. They did all of   unbelievable for the first year.   involved  in  all  aspects  of
                                        this  while  making  some of   We conducted float building, a   school  and  are  great
                                        the best grades in the school.   parade, a  pep rally,  skit  night,   representatives  in  the
                                               Pep  rallies  were   and  field   days.   Class   community.  We  would  like
                                        great for  the first year.  All   competition was tough, but the   to  thank them for  all  their
                                        grades          became     Freshmen  were  able  to  pull   hard work.

            Far right: Kelly  Hunter was a
            huge  help when  it  came to
            making banners. Thank you,

            Right:  Ryan  Trespalacios  is
            dressed  up for  our first  pep
            rally.  The skit was "The Tiger
            Stalks the Indians."

            Above:  Molly  Shoniker,    Right: This is the Fort White High
            Whitney  Parks,  and  Sarah   School leadership class of 20o1·
            White  are  hanging  out  in   2002.
            leadership  and  enjoying
            other's company.

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