Page 171 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 171
The 2001 - 2002 FCCLA officers:
F CCLA's mission is to
President - Travis Renegar
promote personal growth and President-Elect - Jenna Hill Below Left: LaBet Wingate,
leadership development through Secretary - Ashley Bishop Travis Renegar, and Melissa
family and consumer sciences Treasurer - Melisa Douglass Douglas work on a Drug Free
education, focusing on the Historian - La Bet Wingate FCCLA poster.
multiple roles of family member, Vice President of Achievement Below: La Bet Wingate shows
wage earner, and community Programs - Catie Novak off her award-winning art
leader. Members develop skills for Vice President of Program of work.
Working - Felicia Bryant
life through vocational
Vice President of
preparation, practical knowledge,
Recreation - Andy Williams
interpersonal communication, Vice President of Public
creative and critical thinking, and Relations - Jesse Smith
character development.
Above: Melissa
Douglas is
proud to be
drug free.
Middle: Travis Renegar Above: Travis Renegar Above: Travis Renegar and )enna Hill
and )enna Hill are FCCLA's gives a speech at a represent FCCLA in the first annual
heartthrob & sweetheart. meeting. Homecoming parade.