Page 173 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 173
The ASTRA club of Fort White
The ASTRA club is a
High School won the Lucille
light in our community. This Spillers Alexander ASTRA Service
year they fed the hungry at
Award for the year 2001 . The
Thanksgiving, gave gifts to
Dream Machine at Christmas award is given for District Three
which includes the southeast
helped Altrusa International of United States. The award was
lake City ring the bell for
held by the University of Florida
Salvation Army. Plans are being
made to provide an evening of ASTRA in the year 2000. These
fun for the residents of young ladies will be seen making
Willowbrook in lake City. They
care about our community and
its people.
Left Quanne Coombs, Rebecca
Vaughn, Amanda Edwards
jessica Porter. 2nd Row: Toni
F~eming , Sabrina Singleton,
Lillian Ramos. 3rd Row: Meredith
Bauer, Samantha Noll, Lue Anne
Pace. 4th Row: Reba Kohn, Ashley
Biddle, jennifer Walters, Angel
Schofield. sth Row: Mrs.
Sampson, Sponsor.
Top Left: lue Anne Pace
Quanne Coombs, Mrs:
Sampson, Jessica Frame,
and Felicia Joseph are
having a great time at the
ASTRA Initiation.
Above right: Mrs.
Sampson, the ASTRA
sponsor turns around to
let us know exactly what
ASTRA stands for.
Far left: Tori Brown
Jessica Porter, Shanno~
Eggleton and Angel
Schofield work together
to get the Thanksgiving
Baskets ready for the less
left: The ASTRA club
members and sponsors
have a five minute break
at an ASTRA meeting to
take a quick picture.