Page 225 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 225

Below: Hey! What are   Below  Middle: Coach   Below: The  girls  get   JV Girls Soccer
    you  doing?  You  can't   Keen gathers his crew   together to shake their
    dance and kick the ball   together before their   opponents hands after
    at the same time!    late-night game.         a late game.

     Above:  Bottom:  Rebecca
     Vaughn .  Second  Row
     Left:  Rebecca  Sherrer,
     Brittany   Keough ,
     Elizabeth   Weddle,
     Amanda  Fleming,  Kayla
     Seewald,    Vanessa
     Scheuble,    Nicole
     Waddington. Third  Row:
     Coach  Charles  Lassiter,
     Sarah  Faulkner,  Michelle
     Hancock,     Ashley
     Waddington,  Carmen
     Figueroa,  Felicia  Bryant,
     Megan  Freed,  Alanna
     Olson, Coach Kyle  Keen.

                            Above: These girls are   Far  right:  Come  on,   Above:   Rebecca
                            really  into  the  game.   Coach  Keen,  stop   Vaughn saves her Lady
                            They just can't believe   playing and throw the   Indians  once  again .
                            what's going on!   ball in!                   Great job, Rebecca.

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