Page 229 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 229

She's Outta Here

                              Feb.19        Lake Butler               2002 Middle School
                              Feb.21        Ruth Raines                 Softball Team
                              Feb.22        Cheifland
                              Feb.25        Bradford               Amber Harrell
                              Feb.26        Keystone               Amanda Edenfield
                              Mar.1         Chiefland              jessica Gayheart
                              Mar.4         Keystone
                              Mar.s         Bell                   julie Cole
                              Mar.7         Williston              Felicia Bryant
                              Mar.14        Ruth Raines            Rebecca Vaughn
                              Mar.15        Lake Butler            jordan Spires
                              Mar.21        Bell
                              Mar.22        Bradford               Teisha Conley
                              Apr.2         Trenton                Krista Strickland
                              Apq           Trenton                Laura Barnes
                              Apr.9         Williston              Megan Wilson
                                                                   Lindy Stone
                                                                   Stacey Tucker
                                                                   De Erra King
                                                                   Becky Mahony
                                                                   Kali Hunter

                                                                                         Center:  Bottom  Left:  Amber
                                                                                         Harrell,  Amanda  Edenfield,
                                                                                         Jessica  Gayheart,  Julie  Cole,
                                                                                         Felicia Bryant, Rebecca Vaughn,
                                                                                         Jordan  Spires.  Top  Left:  Coach
                                                                                         Brenda  Hunter,  Teisha  Conley,
                                                                                         Krista  Strickland,  Laura  Barnes,
                                                                                         Megan  Wilson,  Lindy  Stone,
                                                                                         Stacy Tucker, De Erra King, Becky
                                                                                         Mahony, Kali Hunter, Coach John

                                                                                         Left: Felica Bryant gets ready in
                                                                                         the  outfield  hoping  to  get a
                                                                                         chance  to  get  her  sister  out
                                                                                         during the game with J.V.

                                                                                         Middle: Veronica Bryant goes in
                                                                                         for  the  slide  but  Amanda
                                                                                         Edenfield is there to get her out.

                                                             Left: Kali Hunter is always prepared   Top left: Stacey Tucker is always
                                                             for the ones that get away.   ready for something to come her

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